2 Hints

As per usual, here’s where you’ll find the problem sheet hints!

  1. Think about all the tests for convergence that you’ve seen so far! A reminder for d) — the growth factor test won’t work on a ratio of polynomials.

  2. See the hint for question 1 (and the one on the sheet!) Another reminder — if you use a test or a theorem anywhere, state it!

  3. Firstly, this is an if and only if statement. So you have to prove two things:

    • \((a_n)\) convergent \(\implies\) \((a_{2k})_k, (a_{2k-1})_k\) and \((a_{3k})_k\) are convergent.
    • \((a_{2k})_k, (a_{2k-1})_k\) and \((a_{3k})_k\) are convergent \(\implies\) \((a_n)\) convergent.

    For the second implication, try and find common subsequences of the three given subsequences to show that \((a_{2k})_k, (a_{2k-1})_k\) and \((a_{3k})_k\) all have the same limit. One of the tutorial questions from Problem Sheet 7 might come in handy at this point.

    1. Can you think of any inequalities relating \(k\) and \(n_k\), where \(k \in \mathbb{N}\)? Also, this question asks about monotone sequences, so you’ll have to prove that this result holds for both increasing and decreasing sequences.
    2. Again, two things to prove here (due to the if and only if). Make sure you understand the definitions involved — it’ll make it easier to construct the proofs.
  4. Start by unpacking the definitions in the question, and try to make one look like the other.

  5. This follows a similar procedure to a proof involving the definition of convergence. Fix \(\epsilon > 0\) and show that for \(n\geq m\) we can bound \(\lvert a_n - a_m \rvert\) above by \(1/2^{m-1}\). Then, note (or prove by induction) that \(m \leq 2^m\) to find a upper bound which is easier to deal with, and use this to find the \(N \in \mathbb{N}\) in the Cauchy sequence definition. You’ll also find useful the triangle inequality and geometric series formulae here, but make sure to state when you use them!